FALSAFA na WAZO ndani ya neno - DUH!

Leo katika UCHOKOZI: Hivi WANAWAKE huchukia WANAWAKE wenzao?

>> Monday, November 22, 2010

Kuna wadaio hivyo kama,...
.....Dr Cassandra George Sturges katika KIPENGELE alichokiita: Why Women Hate Other Women.:-(

Dr. Cassandra George Sturges publishes Authentik Beauty Newsletter and Authentik Beauty Magazine web blog. Dr. Sturges is the founder of Authentik Beauty Services for Women a program that provides workshops and seminars for women on how to maintain and unleash their unique inner-beauty.

Katika kumfuatilia huyu DAKTARI katika  maandishi yake mbalimbali ,...
.....ambayo hulenga kuelimisha wanawake ambayo nashauri saa nyingine,...
... kama wewe NI MWANAUME  SOMA kwa kuwa labda ni msaada sana kwa wanaume kama MWANAUME unataka kutatua baadhi ya siri ZA ni kwanini udhaniayo TAMU inaweza kuwa CHUNGU,...
....hasa wakati unakabili hawa MALAIKA na MAISHU yao yasiyoisha,...
.....nikakutana na vipengele ambavyo inabidi nivifupishe kwa ,...

  • Hivi ni kweli WANAWAKE huchukia WANAWAKE wenzao?

Dondoo kutoka kwa Dr Sturges zadai kwa un'geng'e:....

Why do women hate other women?

1. Women feel that their biological prime-time is limited. She can easily be replaced by a new younger, more beautiful woman. Youth is a woman's fair-weathered friend.

2. Women feel that other women control their man's sexual fidelity.

3. Women feel that their level or degree of physical beauty is based on luck as opposed to something that she controls.

4. Women feel that other women can take something that they have worked hard to earn by using their beauty on the job, school and the legal system because men will be taken by her beauty.

5. Women feel that other women can not be trusted. They gossip too much, they are phony and they would take your man right before your eyes.

6. Women feel that other women divert attention away from them.

7. Women feel psychologically competitive with other women to be more attractive.

8. Women subconsciously believe that if they merely looked like another woman, they could inherit her life, her diamond, her man, and people would look at her with the same admiration.

Bado narudia swali la uchokozi:
  • Je ni kweli KADALA humchukia KADALA mwenziye hata kama KADODA yupo kwenye eneo anuai ?

Kama unataka kuendelea kuchokozwa na kusoma mambo kama:....

Women are so busy competing with each other for male attention that they do not have the psychological, intellectual or emotional insight to change the social climate that is causing them to suffer from low-self esteem. Women think of men as being promiscuous, unfaithful, lying, cheating dogs. But what most women need to come to grips with and understand is that research shows that a man is most likely to have a sexual affair with a woman's best friend, relative or neighbor... a woman whom she trusts, loves and respects. One of the reasons that men who cheat are so successful at it is because women allow them to because they are in competition with each other.

Au mambo kama:....

Women compete with each other at a societal level, the criteria for winning is usually set by others and the results are subjective and intangible. Women are usually judged by characteristics that they have little control over; something that they did not create, and that exist outside of themselves such as their physical appearance. Her success is based on subjective, biased, external validation by others. She can't see how to beat her rival because her rival is in no more control of the outcome than she is. How can you really be more beautiful than another woman, when the decision is nothing more than someone else's opinion of beauty?

...mfuate Dr Cassandra G.Sturges HUKU.


....mitazamo hutofautiana na MAJIBU ya MTU mmoja kuhusu swala,....
..... yanaweza kuwa tofauti kabisa na ya MTU mwingine katika swala HILO HILO moja  ndio maana MAJIBU ya kuhusu UCHUMI wa TANZANIA ya KAMBONA yaliyomfanya wakosane na NYERERE bado ndio hayo hayo CCM chama cha NYERERE yayafuatayo LEO HII ,....
... nikiwa na maana Majibu ya Dr STURGES yanaweza yakagundulika upungufu hapo baadaye kama yanaaminika sasa hivi na kama pia ni kweli JIBU LAKO hutofautiana na  DR  Sturges kwa kuwa unaona WANAWAKE na mabosi WANAWAKE mambo mswano tu na KILA siku KRISMASI kwa kwenda mbele sana tu!.

Sasaaa weye wasemaje :
  • Je kati ya Ze MAMAAZ  na Ze Dogo DOgo saizi yangu hakuna vita za siri angalau kisaikolojia angalau kidogo jamani?

NImeacha UCHOKOZI MPENDWA Mheshimiwa!
Cheka basi tuone DIMPOZI! AU?:-)

Au tuhame tu na kumsikiliza...

.....Remmy Ongala akiongea kitu katika-Mariam

AU tu Malika aka Asha Abdow Suleiman mtoto wa Kisomali atupe- Vidonge

9 KOMENTI a.k.a Maoni. :-(:

Yasinta Ngonyani 5:53 pm  

Ahsante kwa shule hii:-)

Rachel Siwa 6:00 pm  

hahahha kaka aksante,pia waswahili wanasema mchawi wa mwanamke ni mwanamke mwenzie!!!

Simon Kitururu 6:16 pm  

@Yasinta: Wala sina uhakika hii ni shule ati!:-(

@Da Rachel:Ila waswahili nao kwa misemo ya ni hadi basi tu. Cha kushangaza nasikia HEKIMA iliyopo kwenye misemo ya WASWAHILI ni waswahili waongozao kwa kutoifuata.:-(

Asante tena Da wa SWAHILi na WASWAHILI kwa kutonitenga!


Lol.....wewe kweli mchokozi....kwa kuchakachua tuu...mmmmh!lakini kuna ukweli ndani yake.

Simon Kitururu 6:55 pm  

@Da Schola :Ingia basi DIPU KIDOGO utuletee kwa kirefu ka ukweli kalikopo basi:-)

Samahani kwa kauchokozi na KARIBU sana tu hapa kijiweni Dada yangu!

o'Wambura Ng'wanambiti! 10:26 am  

akiingia dipu atakufa kwa kuwa waendao dipu ni ng'ombe ati @Mt. Simon

mada inakolea ati!

Simon Kitururu 10:34 am  

@Kadinali Chacha: :-)

Mija Shija Sayi 11:43 pm  

Hii hoja huwa inatengenezwa tu na watu, hakuna ukweli ndani yake.

Simon Kitururu 2:14 pm  

@Da Mija: Kuna watu hudaigi LISEMWALO kuna asilimia za uwepo wake lakini...

....kitu ambacho nimefikia kupinga UASILIMIA WAKE TU kwa kuwa kiuasilimia ukweli wa KITU CHOCHOTE KIGUMU na cha KINADHARIA ZAIDI hata kama kile cha WAAMINI DINI cha kuwa kuna JEHANAMU mtu akifa ,.... vigumu kukikubalia 100% kwangu!:-(

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