FALSAFA na WAZO ndani ya neno - DUH!

Remmy Ongala Tribute Night Event In London

>> Friday, October 14, 2011


We are honoured to invite you to a very special tribute night for one
of Africa’s greatest singers, the mighty Remmy Ongala who sadly passed
away on 13th December 2010.

“He was a superstar in East Africa, and in the 1980s and 1990s he
reached European and American audiences with albums for Real World, a
label founded by Peter Gabriel, and international tours that included
many appearances at Mr. Gabriel’s Womad (World of Music and Dance)
festivals.” - New York Times, January 18, 2011.

To celebrate Remmy’s music and life we have invited the original members of his band Orchestra Super Matimila to perform live on stage on Saturday 22nd October lead by Kawele (AfricaJambo) and featuring soukous superstars Saidi Kanda, Fiston Lusambo,Rama Kayimanda, Billy Mwangura, and Malinga, Kiniki, Rissa Rissa,
Eugene Makuta, and Claudia Bakisa.

Also very special guests on the night include Baba Adesose Wallace
(Ibile/ Tribe Of Doris), and Torera Mpedzisi (Mbira legend)!!

Your DJs on the night are: African music don DJ Wala Danga (Africa
Centre/ Limpopo Club), Mister K (Africa Centre) and Planetman (Little
Blue Ball/Passing Clouds).


Live on Stage:

Orchestra Super Matimila & guests (Soucous)

Baba Adesose Wallace & Torera Mpedzisi


Wala Danga
Mister K
money raised on the night is going to the DK Remmy Ongala Foundation
to help children in Tanzania with music scholarship.

Passing Clouds
1 Richmond Rd. Dalston E8
corner Kingsland Rd.
Date 22 October 2011
£5 before 10pm, £8 after
entrance at the back.

Train: Dalston Kingsland, Dalston Junction (new station)
buses: 242, 38, 76, 67, 149, 56, 30, 243
Please come to support the Course and inform your friends.
Posted By Urban Pulse Creative

0 KOMENTI a.k.a Maoni. :-(:

Idumu Jumuiya Ya Wanablogu Tanzania

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